Here’s a list of some of the presentations that were offered at our monthly club meeting over the last few months.
- FM Digital Communications (AA8XX & KD8VRX)
- Analyzing an Antenna (KE8TEY & W8LTR)
- POTA Tips and Tricks (KD8VRX & W8LTR)
- Digital Modes (WB8SCT)
- Digital VoIP Multimode Interlink System (K8JTK)
- Solar & Battery Power (YouTube AD4CJ)
- Battery Build Guide (N8IDA)
- WC8VOA Repeater System (K8DEV, WB8ONG & WBØNPN)
- Propagation (N8EPG)
- WSPR Operation (WB0NPN)
- Digital Hot Spot Operation (N8IDA & WB0NPN)
- DMR Introduction (N8IDA)
- JT-65 Introduction (N8IDA)
- Rhombic Antenna Test – Pictures (AA8XX & WC8RK)
- Rhombic Antenna Test – Video (AA8XX & WC8RK)
- Antenna Modeling – Zoom (AA8XX) – 5^xC99E Passcode