WCARA Net Control Format
- It’s 8:00 pm and time for the West Chester Amateur Radio Association Monday night net. This is a directed net; all communications should be directed to WC8VOA net control. My name is _______.
- We have a website at wc8voa.org. Our website has complete details about the club’s regular over-the-air activities, on-site activities, technical specifications for check-ins, upcoming events, and training. Click the Licensing information tab for those interested in obtaining a ham license or upgrade examinations.
- Over-the-air activities include this Monday night net and a weekly informal net on Tuesday evenings on HF at 3.840 MHz (+/-) QRM. Both nets begin at 8:00 pm.
- On-site activities have recently changed. Instead of a monthly Thursday meeting, every Wednesday evening open shack will offer a mini-technical topic. The business meeting continues to be on the second Wednesday. All on-site activities begin at 7:00 PM at the Voice of America facility on Tylersville Road in West Chester Township.
- Besides FM check-ins. you can join this net via EchoLink or on most digital modes, including YSF, DMR and D-Star via the K8JTK node.
- Following check-in and comments, we will transmit the Amateur Radio Newsline if available.
- Following Newsline, we hold a digital net in YSF mode. FM stations may set their receive tone squelch to 123.0 to avoid the digital signal.
- NET CONTROL STATIONS INFO – DO NOT BROADCAST – When EchoLink is involved, allow 3 seconds between transmissions for all systems to reset.
- We will now proceed to check-ins. Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net? Call WC8VOA and my name is ___________.
- Do we have any club officers with announcements? Call WC8VOA.
- We will proceed to mobile, portables, or short of time stations. Call WC8VOA with your call sign and name. You don’t have to be a member to check in, all stations are welcome.
- We’ll now take check-ins from EchoLink or VOIP stations. Call WC8VOA with your callsign, name, and location. Please pause about 3 seconds between transmissions to permit the network equipment to reset.
- Now we will go to regular stations. Call WC8VOA with your callsign and name.
- This is the portion of the net where stations give their comments.
- Call again for additional checkins – first EchoLink and VOIP, then stations on the repeater.
- If there are no other stations, we will close the net and play the Amateur Radio Newsline.
- Turn the net over to WBØNPN if Newsline is available, otherwise close the net.
- This is WC8VOA closing the net and returning the repeater to normal operations.