Please join us for our weekly net on the 145.390- repeater at 8:00PM Eastern Time.
(Standard repeater offsets are -/+ 600 KHz) (The offset frequency for this repeater is 144.790 MHz)
Anyone is welcome to check-in, you do not have to be a member to join in the fun.
We meet to update on club activities and see what everybody is up-to.
Thanks to Jeff(K8JTK), there’s more ways to join us on our Weekly Monday Night Net. You can find more details about the system and how to connect on Jeff’s website.

Net Control Operator Schedule:
OPERATORS NOTE – Use WC8VOA as net control callsign.
If you cannot make your assigned date please arrange for another operator.
Net Control Schedule - 2025
January | February | March | April | May | June |
1/6 K8DEV | 2/3 KE8CIE | 3/3 KE8QNT | 4/7 AJ8M | 5/5 KE8QNT | 6/2 WBØNPN |
1/13 WB8TYD | 2/10 KF8AQI | 3/10 WBØNPN | 4/14 KE8CIE | 5/12 KD8VRX | 6/9 W8LTR |
1/20 KE8QNT | 2/17 WB8TYD | 3/17 K8DEV | 4/21 WB8TYD | 5/19 K8DEV | 6/16 AJ8M |
1/27 WBØNPN | 2/24 W8LTR | 3/24 KC1NE | 4/28 W8LTR | 5/26 KF8AQI | 6/23 KE8CIE |
3/31 KD8VRX | 6/30 KD8VRX |
If you would like to assist as a net control operator please email Bob (WB0NPN) ( and let him know your availability.